About Us

Developed at Charles University Structural Bioinformatics Group.

Check out our other bioinformatics tools: P2Rank, PrankWeb, Traveler, and others.


Christos Feidakis (christos.feidakis [at] natur.cuni.cz)
Radoslav Krivak (rkrivak [at] gmail.com)
David Hoksza
Marian Novotný


If you find AHoJ or AHoJ-DB useful, please cite our work.

AHoJ:  Article  PubMed

AHoJ-DB:  Article  PubMed


We would be happy to hear about your use cases, experiences and ideas/feature requests.
Either raise an issue in GitHub issues tracker or get in touch by mail.
Please address any correspondence to both (christos.feidakis [at] natur.cuni.cz) and (rkrivak [at] gmail.com).